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Friday, 30 June 2017

Howard League Two day confrance 21-22 March. Report Written by Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM admissions that could well come in useful in the future.

By Jez. A very interesting read! If you haven't already seen this report I would seriously recommend reading it. Many admissions that could well come in useful in the future. Written by Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM September 2016.
HM Chief Inspector of Prisons IPP  "action needs to be taken"
Main concern
Failures in the criminal justice and parole systems have resulted in far too many people with IPP sentences being held in prison for many years after their tariff (minimum term) has expired. They have been denied the opportunity to demonstrate whether they present a continuing risk to the public, or to have this properly assessed. IPP sentences have not worked as intended and the current situation in which many prisoners find themselves is clearly unjust.

 ‘This large number of new, and resource-intensive, prisoners was fed into a system that was
already under strain… This has not only increased pressure, and reduced manoeuvrability,
within the prison system; it has also meant that a great deal of officials’ time and energy
has been taken up with simply finding enough prison spaces. Similarly, the Probation Service was increasingly under strain as a result of increased workloads. This was a perfect storm. It led to IPP prisoners languishing in local prisons for months and years, unable to access the interventions they would need before the expiry of their often short tariffs.’

"Recalled prisoners
4.8 On 31 March 2016 a further 565 IPP prisoners were in custody having been recalled to
prison after release. When recalled prisoners, who by virtue of the fact they have previously
been released are all beyond their tariff expiry date, are added to the figures above, 83%
(3,895 out of 4,698) of IPP prisoners in custody were post-tariff. Twelve per cent of the total
male IPP prisoners (552 out of 4,614) were recalls compared with 15% of the women IPP
prisoners (13 out of 84). This is a concerning figure and could not have been the intention
when these sentences were passed."
 The recall rate for IPP prisoners is very high compared with some other categories of
offenders: in 2015, around 500 IPP sentence prisoners were released, but 391 were recalled in this period. Most of this was not related to reoffending, but rather to 'risky' behaviour such as the use of alcohol/drugs, which can still manifest in the community. In addition, through discussion with recalled IPP prisoners, there is some anecdotal evidence that gaps in the provision of some key community services, for example mental health services, can lead to a breakdown of the release plan.
 "The Parole Board says the serious reoffending rate for IPP prisoners on release is very low, estimated at less than 1%".

A really helpful report, especially with all the graphs and figures, I would suggest that all solicitors representing IPP prisoners coming up for parole should be aware of this document and anyone challenging sentence, this document provides clear evidence which will help in any challenge. I would also encourage everyone on this sentence to keep writing to their MP expressing their despair about being on this sentence, any family member also write to your MP and refer to points made in this report. It strengthens your position and will push this back onto the door mat of the new Justice Minister.




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