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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

IPP Prisoners: Vigil outside the Ministry of justice 11.30 AM

Event Details

IPP prisoners: Vigil outside the Ministry of justice,

Join us outside the Ministry of Justice for a vigil while the plight of IPP prisoners is being discussed with Nick Hardwick, chairman of the Parole Board.

• I will hand Nick Hardwick your letters and email from prisoners and family, keys issues and observations
• The Petition ,38 Degrees are going to providing a box containing a disk with all the signatures on the IPP petition and a letter confirming the final number of signatories.
• If you have any letter you want handed in, or flyers about the IPP or any individual case histories to hand out bring them along.
• This is a vigil rather than a demonstration, but of course be prepared to talk to people, share information and explain why you are there.

Change to Release Test (Lasbo 128) people serving indeterminate sentences should be released once their tariff has expired unless it can be proved they continue to be a risk. It’s a contradiction to Say IPP is risk sice they let out prisoners every single day.

Change in Recalls to go before a judge who can weigh up facts before enacted, accept those that reoffend .To have a fairer system for more than one reason.

End the 10 year Lisence that puts ex offendeers at risk of recall because of fulse accusations landing them back to Pr*son on demand for long periods of time. Until they can prove otherswise which overcrowds prisons. licence conditions that fragment familys rather than keeping them together.

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Map Ministry of Justice UK, 102 Petty France, London, United Kingdom   TIME : 11AM

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