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Friday, 5 August 2016

IPP . Prison Negligence who is at risk !

Dear Friends,
This week I  begin to wonder what else prison,s are hiding. It is  well documented that prisons are in a crises ! They goverment are putting in 10m  to sort this problem out but  Is the problem more complexed than money?

The report also highlights the number of Indeterminate Public Protection (IPP) and Life Sentence Prisoners who are over tariff, and have no date for ... It was also concerned about how prisoners with challenging mental health issues are dealt with. The report said: " It is felt that there has been a lack of support from mental health services. There is at the time of writing this report, no mental health nurse and no regular doctor. There is no weekend health care available, ...often leaving staff feeling unsupported."
The report also highlights the number of Indeterminate Public Protection (IPP) and Life Sentence Prisoners who are over tariff, and have no date for release. Board member Sheila Kimmins said: "Not only does this cost the tax payer it is highly detrimental to the mental wellbeing of the prisoners concerned, and constitutes an injustice. Keep your MPs updated further ask your MPs to write to the prison or other and request if your family member is safe post the article as well." make noise how much do you have to take when numbers are on suicide watch .Those on suicide watch are there because of a poor manned system and lack of treatment for health and well being further IPP prisoners feel depressed because they have no hope but because they feel suicidal they punish by the prison,set back a possible 6 to year" risk" until they see a psychologist who may be a trainee?
katherine Gleeson 

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable Injustice ....calls into question the English Justice System................shows the beginnings of an "open" Police State....



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