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Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Public Event Reminder for IPP,s and Family,s tomorrow 12 october 10.00am Bridge Street ,London SW1A 2LW

The Week in Justice 2017

Two big stories dominated the criminal justice news this week.
Firstly, the parole board's decision to release IPP prisoner James Ward after serving 11 years of a 10 month sentence increased the pressure for expediting the release of the 3,000 IPP prisoners still in prison. 
Also of interest was the launch of a new report from the Conservative Think Tank, the Centre for Social Justice, with a 10-point plan for re-booting the Rehabilitation Revolution.

12 October 2017
The Justice Committee will hold an evidence session on The work of the Parole Board on Wednesday 18 October 2017 at 10.00am in the Thatcher Room, Portcullis House.

The Committee will also be asking about the particular circumstances of people serving indeterminate sentences of imprisonment for public protection (IPP prisoners) who have served more than their tariff, and about steps which the Parole Board and the Ministry have taken, and could take in the future, to address their situation.


Wednesday 18 October 2017
At 10.00am: Professor Nick Hardwick, Chair, and Martin Jones, Chief Executive, Parole Board of England and Wales
At 10.45am (approx.): Sam Gyimah MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Prisons and Probation, Ministry of Justice.

Attend the meeting

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting.
There is no system of tickets or advance booking for seats in the public section of the committee room, but there is normally no problem in seating all members of the public who wish to attend.
Please advise security staff that you are attending a committee meeting and they will direct you.
You should allow at least 20 minutes to go through security.


Get off the train at Westminster exit go"left out of station couple of paces turn left  before the bridge is Portcullis House , don't cross over bridge or you've gone to fare. Directions:
Russell Webster <


Hi Katherine,
I thought I heard news about the prison service and overcrowding over the weekend. I think I also heard about people not being sent to prison for some offences. I would truly believe that releasing the IPP prisoners, but providing plenty of support after release will go a long way to solving some of the prison problems.
Greg Peters

PGA Press Release – President’s Opening Address – 10 October 2017
An extract from his speech ….
"The Government must be brave and reduce the prison population and don’t worry about votes. Don’t dabble, just do it because morally it is the right thing to do. 12 month sentences don’t work and are pointless. This cohort must be dealt with in a different way in the community. Executive Release is possible. We have prisoners on IPP sentences years past their tariff but still in prison. We have old and infirm who are no longer a danger to society and we have far too many mentally ill people where prison is absolutely the worst place for them."

Underwood Prisoners on this sentence lack support through out . It's as if people are sick of hearing about it and wana brush it under the carpet . Along with the unfortunate people -sex cases and nonces not included still serving this wretched sentence.  It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that this is still all on going . I got out two years ago after ten years in . On a twenty 5 month tariff too .
It's a joke !!!!

Piercy This sentence has no support network what so ever and it's about time someone did something about it...

Ford A deeper point is the way adults are infantalised at every step within the 'system', supposed to be taking responsibility for themselves but eg 'supervised (controlled), subject to the whim of people who take their wages and go home sometimes leaving desolation in their wake. Probation via the appalling Grayling is a punitive technique to prove to the gullible how well protected they are- I'm all for that not at the cost of crushing people by the exercise of petty power.

 Horton And if a prisoner actually dares to try to take some responsibility for themselves and their actions, and be honest instead of saying what the system Nazis want to hear they are frequently labelled as "difficult", or "still a risk".

Prisoners VoiceVictoria Derbyshire on IPP's. Ministry of Justice say they are working on the backlog but are refusing to comment on the original questions put to them. Every person in a position of power who work with prisoners, in one form or another, are saying IPP's should be given a release date.

46 minutes into this Nick Hardwick mentions that 75% off Ipp prisoners were either released or sent to cat D but can't give an exact figure on his findings. So can he possibly give a percentage. He also forgets to mention how many are returned to closed conditions because they can't cope in a open prison. It looks good on paper but not in reality

Owen  Clear well written report telling it how it is ,thank you Boden.

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