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Thursday, 31 August 2017

Families of those still Imprisoned want answers.What does David Lidington intend to do about the IPP prisoners? Parole chief urges government to act on cases of people in prison on abolished public protection sentences who have served over their minimum tariff.


Ian Hartley is one of those prisoners still serving an IPP sentence. Originally given a tariff of 3 years and 2 months, he is still in prison 12 years on.
Ian has said himself “I hate waking up in a morning and look forward to going to sleep at night. Prison is an awful corrupt place full of violence and abuse. I have served my time and just want to be in a loving family environment to live the rest of my life. The hell I am suffering within this place is indescribable and if it wasn’t for my partner and my family I would have ended my life by now. The only reason I am still here is because I do not want to put them through the pain of losing me.
Goalposts are constantly being moved and it is impossible to achieve anything in respect of gaining release. “

All Ian needs is the chance to be released in to society where he has a loving family waiting for him to help him on the road to rehabilitation. If Ian stays in prison, he will continue to get worse emotionally and will eventually end up harming himself to get away from the pain and suffering he has to endure.

I have recently completed a protest outside the Houses of Parliament and Risley Prison where Ian is currently serving his sentence. Whilst in London David Blunkett said he had regretted bringing in the IPP sentences, surely this should tell the government that something has to be done.

I am doing this not only for Ian but also for the rest of the long suffering prisoners still serving these inhumane sentences whereby they have no idea of when they will be released and nor do their families, this is totally against their human rights and justice needs to be served.

Please sign this petition in the hope that serving it to the government will get Ian released and he can then be rehabilitated in the community and start living his life as a loved family man just as he deserves.

‘Get a grip!’


Parole chief urges government to act on cases of people in prison on abolished public protection sentences who have served over their minimum tariff

Chairman of the Parole Board for England and Wales Nick Hardwick has spoken out forcefully about the discredited and abandoned IPP sentences. Speaking to the BBC he told how he was frustrated at the government’s inability to ‘get a grip’ on the issue. The sentence, introduced by David Blunkett MP when he was Justice Secretary was abolished in 2012 but there are still 3,300 prisoners serving the sentences, often many years beyond the original tariff.
“The levels of suicide, assault, and self-harm is unacceptably high,” he said. “It’s the fault of political and policy decisions that should have been put right two years ago. We need to get a grip on this problem. Michael Gove agreed to a whole series of changes and then was sacked before he had the chance to do it, when he was justice minister.”
Of the harm done to the people on IPP sentences Mr Hardwick said that delays in releasing such prisoners could be reduced if the process was changed so that the state had to prove they were a danger to the public if they were released. “Some of those delays are down to the Parole Board,” he acknowledged, “but we are making good progress in putting those right. But the other main reason for the delay is that it is so difficult for somebody in that [prisoner’s] position to meet the legal test of demonstrating that they are not going to commit a serious offence in future. For people with a tariff or punishment part of their sentence of less than two years, the onus should be on the state to prove they are likely to commit a further offence, rather than for them to prove they are not.”
The Parole Board released its Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17 and Business Plan 2017/18 in July. These reports show the good progress the Parole Board has made over the past year, but also the work still needed to meet our strategic goals.
Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17
It may not feel like it if you are stuck in your cell waiting for a delayed parole hearing, or you have just been knocked back, but we are making progress in improving the Board’s performance: our backlog of cases is down, waiting times are down, the number of prisoners serving a sentence of Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) still in custody is down, over 100 new members have been recruited, and we have successfully moved from paper to digital systems.
Key facts for 2016/17:
• 7,377 oral hearings and 25,204 cases on the papers, up 6% on 2015/16;
• Number of outstanding cases reduced by 17% from 2,445 to 2,033 cases;
• 1,938 IPP cases were concluded at oral hearing. 894 IPPs were released, a 20% increase on the number released in 2015-16, and an additional 11 IPPs were released on the papers;
• The number of IPPs still in prison fell to 3,528, down 42% on its peak in June 2012;
• 104 new Parole Board members were recruited;
• The proportion of oral hearings that were adjourned or deferred in 2016/17 remained too high at 30%, and this is a major priority for 2017/18.
Key aims for the Parole Board for 2017/18:
• Reducing the number of outstanding cases delayed due to capacity constraints;
• Ensuring that most IPP prisoners have either been safely released, or have clear plans in place that will enable them to progress.
A focus on… accredited programmes
There has been a lot of discussion on SOTP recently and so a specialist parole board member was asked to explain how this affects prisoners from a parole perspective:
Recent changes in accredited programmes have provoked great concern amongst those who have completed the older programmes and raised questions about whether this will have a negative impact on their parole decisions. This is not the case.
New programmes are steadily being introduced based on the most up-to-date research about what helps prisoners to stop offending and manage their risks effectively. Whilst the research about programmes, such as the Core SOTP, has been disappointing, some participants will have benefited from them.
Panels will not assume that attending older programmes has increased a participant’s risks. The key issue has always been that interventions offer individuals an opportunity to consider their offending and risks for the future, along with attempting to equip them with ways of managing these risks.
At a parole hearing the questions you are asked will focus on your personal experience and want you to talk about how you have made use of any programmes completed. This is much more important than just knowing you have attended sessions and ‘ticked a box’.
New programmes focus on participants taking responsibility for their own change, working actively on the factors which have led to offending and managing these in future. They will assist participants to tailor the input to their own issues and help them monitor progress. There is a firm acknowledgment of the need for learning and the ability to put this into practice, beyond the programme itself and panels have always looked for evidence of this from a range of sources.
If you have completed older programmes, you can use your experience of those to help you answer questions at hearings and show that you have made good progress in taking responsibility for managing your risks. The potential for a positive outcome for you remains.

Brutal Reality


Brackenbury There numbers are a load of crap as there's not even 8-9000 ipps left in prison it's under 4000 so whoever done this article pulled it out of thin air!
Backer The man has served his sentence why rob him of precious time with his family .Let him be free.
Evens This is beyond horrendous! As a former inmate I know only too well that all anyone ever thinks is their release date!!
This is conscious cruelty!! And needs to end- Immediately!! A prison sentence is meant to be a punishment-not never ending torture!!!!
Howard I have a step son who has been in prison for an IPP sentence for similar length of time for an initial tariff of 3 years. He says the same things as Ian Hartley about prison life and it's effects. I know there is a great shortage od prison officers which makes their job impossible to do properly so surely it would make to get IPP prisoners who have served way beyond their sentence out and alleviate the crowding in prisons and thus save the money which is being used for their detention and spend it on improving the prison service

Ramshaw This is not right!

Keane This is another unbelievable story

Toner The IPP sentence is totally barbaric. It takes away all hope for prisoners and their families.Year after year they pray for release then get refused. Prisoners weren,t hung after the death sentence was abolished so why are IPP prisoners still being held after this sentence was abolished. Every IPP prisoner should be released with immediate effect

Kelly This real does need sorting out.

Davies It's unbelievable 
It's unbelievable that there are over 3,k renaming ipp prisoners left in the prison system

wood free him now

Duffy Inhumane treatment of people who have served their time these human beings need justice or at least to know when they will be home a gross neglect of human rights I've supported this cause for a while.


Baker It is. an abolished and inhumane sentence and you wouldn't treat an animal like those. poor prisoners and their families are being treated

ChapmanTime for him to get out !!!! Such a shame

Grace My partner and I are 'lucky' in that his sentence will come to an end but the injustice faced by us and by all prisoners and their families, especially those serving ipps is stark and unfair. My hope is that this petition will be the start of an avalanche of outcry of the cruel and degrading treatment that we are receiving from the state.

Pennington His sentence should be abolished as it is inhumane to give no hope to someone 3 year sentence and still there 12 years on what a society are we turning into free him now.
 his awful sentence needs to be addressed now too many people like Ian Hartley held beyond their sentence it is inhumane to give them no hope of release.

Hosker I feel Ian has served his time and more he didn't kill, rape or molest children why is he still in there when people who committ the above walk free after pathetic short sentences weres the justice in that!

Collective Ian has served more than four times his original sentence and deserves to be on the outside immediately.

Hibbert This is an unjust sentence that has been abolished So it's time to take action and get the remaining ones released

 Dickinson OPP sentences amount to unlawful detention and breach fundamental human rights. The ongoing harm created as a result of these sentences to the individual and their families significantly outweighs the degree of public protection achieved by these provisions.

Mellor I don't agree with ipp it's against human's wrong in so many ways, free them all, they have served their time!!!

Cooper I suffered from this sentence it's a disgrace never got thought about just seen in America and the the government brought it in the mental torture the prisoner goes through is awful as well as family

Cunningham his is a disgusting and inhumane sentence

Harris I believe all ipp sentenced person's need an urgent review of their cases and the time they are/ have served. I expect results will find the time served is usually extremely disproportionate to the offences

wakeman Many things in the UK to do with justice are unjust. It is a way the neoliberal state controls us

Thomson I'm sick of living in a society which uses indefinite terms of punishment.

“Soto I hate waking up in a morning and look forward to going to sleep at night. Prison is an awful corrupt place full of violence and abuse." Just about sums up why this petition needs to be signed.

Debono  ipp sentence was dished out like candy to those it was not meant for the government knew it was not implemented properly and so abolished it. But not for those serving it. This sentence has no date of release. It is a life sentence through the back door There is is no hope and no light at the end of the tunnel.

Horton The IPP sentence is inhumane. The government should have abolished it for serving IPP prisoners as well - they could simply have changed the sentences to Extended Determinate sentences. If the sentence is wrong, it's wrong retrospectively as well.



Tuesday, 29 August 2017

The media in the uk say end the IPP injustice however have not done so . Family,s now write to diverce countrys to get help.

My name is Joanne Hibbert and my partner Ian Hartley is currently serving an IPP sentence. He was originally given a tariff of 2years and 348days and is currently in his thirteenth year of imprisonment.
Sentences of Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPPs) were created by the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and started to be used in April 2005. They were designed to protect the public from serious offenders whose crimes did not merit a life sentence. Offenders sentenced to an IPP are set a minimum term (tariff) which they must spend in prison. After they have completed their tariff they can apply to the Parole Board for release.
David Blunkett brought in the IPPs in 2003 when he was the Home Secretary. However, in the years that followed, Mr Blunkett, who was Home Secretary from 2001 to 2004, told BBC Newsnight that while he believed the legislation had been “necessary to safeguard the public”, he “very much regrets” that the government was not clearer in setting out sentencing criteria for judges.
This was highlighted in Ian’s case when he was originally given the IPP, and was told to return to court three days later as the Judge sentencing him was actually unaware of what an IPP was and why he was being given it.
Every day is a constant struggle for both Ian and my family. He lives in constant fear from prisoners and guards as he has had so many bad experiences with them. All courses he has been asked to attend as part of the IPP, he has adhered to and has co-operated fully with anything asked of him. The probation service has backed him several times for rehabilitation within the community, but on each occasion they have found reason as to why he should not be allowed it and then withdrew from their backing. There is clearly an injustice between the prisoners and the probation service because the officers are uneducated and misunderstood as to what the prisoner’s needs are.
Myself and others are desperate in our plight to have our loved ones released from these inhumane sentences. I attended a protest outside the Houses of Parliament on the 5th July 2017, where along with others I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to meet with Martin Jones from the Parole Board in the parliament rooms. He was very interested in what our views were and himself admitted that he did not agree with the IPPs. Then on the 8th July 2017 I attended a protest outside HMP Risley where Ian is currently serving his sentence. Wales online covers the story of the IPPs and Nick Hardwick, CEO of the Parole Board, also has strong views on IPP sentences. There are various articles on his opinion and how he believes it is wrong that so many people are still serving these sentences.
We are doing these protests in the hope we can raise public understanding of the IPP sentences and how the justice system has locked up these people and simply forgotten about them, despite IPP sentences being abolished in 2011.
There is another protest organised for the 23rd July 2017 at HMP Peterborough and one on the 3rd August 2017 outside Preston Probation Office. People can also show their support of my plight by signing a petition I have set up Anyone with a heart can see that justice is clearly not being served for both Ian and the other 4000 prisoners still serving an IPP sentence.

Justice Minister we want answers to the current situation regarding IPP prisoners. The official prison population projections were published this week by the MoJ and Office for National Statistics and they foresee a further rise of 1600 prisoners by 2022.Justice

Week in Justice 27 August 2017

Whether that makes the growing rumours that the Justice Secretary will sanction an early release scheme later this year more or less likely to be true, I do not know.
In other news, concern about staffing levels in prison healthcare in England and Wales emerged with Scotland looking to strengthen links between its health and justice systems.
This bulletin presents prison population projections for England and Wales from August.2017 to March 2022. It is produced to aid policy development, capacity planning andresource allocation within thecriminaljusticesystem (CJS) and Her Majesty’sPrison andProbation Service (HMPPS


prison reform


RSA’s New Futures Network Proposal Submitted to Ministry of Justice
Prisons exist to keep society safer. But to fight crime as effectively as possible, prisons must do more than just incapacitate criminals for the length of their sentence; they must ensure that when they leave jail they do not offend again.

Working closely with practitioners and the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), the RSA has been working on developing the New Futures Network (NFN), a proposed new body that aims to work with prison leaders to support reform and ensure that when prisoners return to their communities, they have the right skills to get a job, access to employers and are able to build a better life. Ultimately achieving this goal will require prisons and the criminal justice system to overcome long-term challenges, including coping with a lack of prison capacity, the prevalence of drugs, and a rise in the number of assaults, suicides and incidents of self-harm.

Between January and May this year, the RSA has consulted with a wide range of stakeholders in developing our proposal, which was submitted to the MoJ in July. It concludes that the New Futures Network (NFN) should aim to support prison leaders in responding to these challenges with particular focus on education, employment and local leadership. The Network should aim to:

  • Drive partnerships and innovation to boost people’s chances of leaving crime behind.
  • Broker sustainable strategic effective cross-sector relationships to support rehabilitation and employment.
  • Champion good practice that supports rehabilitation through informing, engaging and persuading.
  • Provide a channel of communication between frontline services and central government.
The RSA has proposed key strands of work focused on:
  • Developing employer networks locally linked to wider justice services;
  • Supporting prisons to identify their local assets – social, economic and community – that can support rehabilitation;
  • Enabling staff and prisoners to home grow innovation; and
  • Providing a space for exchanging ideas and experience about how prison reform is being implemented locally and nationally.
Ministers at the Ministry of Justice asked for the design of NFN to be independent of Whitehall, to encourage broad and deep engagement, genuine innovation, and positively challenge to the ‘status quo’. Whilst the RSA recommends that the NFN be sponsored by MoJ in the short term at least, the NFN must be allowed to flourish under an independent chair and expert advisory group. This will enable the NFN to gain the credibility required to bring about cultural change across the prison service, including shifting to a focus on increasing employment in and around prisons.
The RSA’s New Futures Network proposal has been welcomed by Ministers as part of the government’s wider safety and reform strategy and, will be considered alongside the MoJ’s employment strategy due to be published later this year.
If you would like more information about the consultation process and case studies please visit the site above or contact Jack Robson on
You can also keep up with the latest by following New Futures Network on Twitter:

Prison education evaluation

Evaluation of Fine Cell Work, a social enterprise which trains prisoners in paid, skilled, creative needlework with a focus on impact on resettlement.
This evaluation has a particular focus on prisoners aged under 35 years and will also include a preliminary assessment of FCW’s new through-the-gate project.
The project started in July 2016 and will run until 2018

Study of prescribing in prison

Russell is undertaking a research study into opioid substitute prescribing in prison. The study includes an online survey (with 100 respondents) and a focus group with service users which is being facilitated by the Revolving Doors Agency. Russell is also convening an expert group which will examine current practice both in prison and on release. The study is funded by an educational grant from Martindale Pharma who have no input into the methodology or outcomes.

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Join us as they describe the challenges facing our criminal justice system today and hear their proposals to ease the prison crisis and solve the problems of IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection) and inappropriately recalled prisoners swelling our prison population.




Event to be held at the following time, date and location:

Thursday, 14 September 2017 from 14:00 to 15:30 (BST)                                                                    

The Centre for Social Justice
34a Queen Anne's Gate
SW1H 9AB London
United Kingdom



The Centre for Social Justice invites you to the launch of: 

What Happened to the Rehabilitation Revolution?

How sentencers can revive it How it can be helped by a hung Parliament

By Jonathan Aitken and John Samuels With the prison system in England and Wales struggling under the strains of record-high levels of suicide, self-harm and assaults – driven by reduced staffing levels and an all-time high prison population – Jonathan Aitken and John Samuels set out proposals to save up to £246million and freeing up to 7,000 prison places.
Jonathan Aitken and John Samuels answer the question many prisoners, practitioners and politicians have been asking: what happened to the Rehabilitation Revolution? Their examination sets out the pivotal role sentencers can play in reviving it and how it can be helped by a hung Parliament.
With sentencers sitting at the heart of their proposals to reboot rehabilitation – through the creation of pilot problem-solving courts and sentence monitoring – they paint a future vision for the criminal justice system that focuses on tackling the root causes of offending and ensuring the effective rehabilitation of offenders.
Join us as they describe the challenges facing our criminal justice system today and hear their proposals to ease the prison crisis and solve the problems of IPP (Imprisonment for Public Protection) and inappropriately recalled prisoners swelling our prison population.
This CSJ Conversation report launch event will be held at the Centre for Social Justice, 34a Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AB from 2.00pm on Thursday 14th September 2017.
We do hope you can join us for this important event.

We now manage events using Eventbrite to improve the service we provide. If you do experience any difficulties registering please do call us during office hours on 0207 227 9999 and a member of the team will be happy to assist you.This invitation was sent to by The Centre for Social Justice the organiser.

Rory Geoghegan Head of Criminal Justice
The Centre for Social Justice
Eventbrite UK Ltd | 10-11 Charterhouse Square | EC1M 6EE London


Tuesday, 22 August 2017

It is 'extremely frustrating' we have raised concerns about prisoners with indeterminate sentences imprisoned for public protection (IPP) every year since 2011both unfair and inhumane.

Concern at number of prisoners held beyond release date at Stafford.

Too many inmates are still being held beyond their release date - according to the Independent Monitoring Board at Stafford Prison. In its annual report regarding offenders hub, they say it is 'extremely frustrating' that they have raised concerns about prisoners with indeterminate sentences imprisoned for public protection (IPP) every year since 2011.
Those given IPP sentences - which were abolished in 2012 - have to be given approval by a parole board before they can be released.
The report states "It was not just treatment to detain prisoners post their release date; it was both unfair and inhumane. 
This treatment could only increase tension and resentment in this group. In the last reporting period 6.7% of the population in custody at HMP Stafford were IPP prisoners; of these, 80% were post tariff."
 Chair of the IMB, Sally Osborne-Town, said: "It is not Stafford Prison alone, this is a national problem.
"Once again it has risen to the surface as an ugly situation. It is a very unkind, cruel and unfair situation." 
Concerns have also been raised about the proportion of prisoners who are able to access  offender training programmes, with less than 3% given a place in any one month. 
Ms Osborne-Town says new 'Horizon' and 'Kaizen' programmes are being rolled out, but the issue seems to be continuing. She said: "There is a 750 population at the prison, and these programmes take 10-20 depending on which course it is.
"You can work out from there that you do not get many through in a year.
For the second year running, the report stated that "HMP Stafford was not resourced as a resettlement prison, yet 182 prisoners were released directly from the establishment, thus impacting unfairly on their resettlement opportunities."
While almost all had accommodation secured, 68% had no work or education to go to upon release. 
The Board, which is made up of 11 local volunteers, did note in its report that the prison has created a safe and clean environment in which there is an improving focus on education, training, healthcare and rehabilitation.
It was noted that improvements were taking place so visitors do not have to queue outside the Visitors Centre, vulnerable to abuse from members of the public, because visits were based on a first come, first served tally system.
A new children’s worker has also been taken on so that prisoner families received appropriate support during their time in the prison.

Release the Remaining IPP Prisoners
30,255 of 35,000 signatures To: David Lidington - Secretary of State for Justice.

To: Justine Greening Secretary of State for Education.



Browne My son is ipp done 11years on a4year sentence he got parole 2weeks ago he hasn't come home yet as he has to wait for a hostel space it never ends he is getting so frustrated freedom is a must but when ....
Corrigan My son was offered both horizon and kaizen courses and told he was unsuitable due to him being high risk but both courses were meant for these😠

Owen Hang on. IPP prisoners have to demonstrate that their risk is low enough to be managed in the community. Hostels are not recommended for ipp prisoners simply because of this. Makes me furious that they keep doing this to ipp prisoners. They don't need to go to hostels. The hostel places are for those deemed high risk on determinate sentences with automatic release dates. Not the poor lads that have to demonstrate they have reduced their perceived risk
 Anyone sending letters to their MP would do well to include this little gem. Also a journalist covering the prisons would welcome such a damning letter I'm sure. The government are clearly refusing to budge on their policies regardless of the consequences. They must be held to account!  .

Phill I was in jail with this guy years ago such a shame people think of these things as they have no other option in their head "that's the only thing they have control of
signal twohttp://www.concern-at-number-of-prisoners-held-beyond-release-date-at-Stafford



