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Friday 20 May 2016

IPP, Email your Mp,s

Letter to David Ramsbotham
Subject: IPP
Dear Shelly,
I am sorry that you have not had a reply to your letters. Mine share the same fate! I will be mentioning IPP prisoners again when I speak in the debate on the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday, as I suspect will others, but I fear that I don’t have any influence over Mr Gove’s programme. 
Yours Sincerely, 
David Ramsbotham
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PREVIOUSE PAPER WORK WE WERE REQUESTING 2 THINGS however we are requesting 3 now. 
1)Secretary of State for Justice to exercise their power to change the release test for the IPP prisoners under Section 128 of the LASPO Act, for an effective system in place that works.
2) IPP sentences to be converted into extended sentences(including all IPP prisoners now out on licence), as changing the release test will not necessarily get rid of the "99-year-licence" problem. The Lord Chief Justice agrees!! 
3 ) Is to push home the arguments. "Lex posterior derogat priori"..... Meaning a later repeals an earlier one in a similar method to the effect of an Appeal or Supreme Court automatic overules previous law on the subject.. maxim......It needs to be aknowledged immediately ........and important to mention to Mp or correspondence on the day. I have enclosed a Template letter.
A Template For those who have “Not lobbied there Mps because they were unable to attend due to ill health.
House of Commons
Dear .........................................MP
As one of your constituents I would like you to Lobby the injustice of IPP Sentences. I would like to table the house with the following questions to that we can find a Solution and give this sentence an end date .
Secretary of State for Justice to exercise their power to change the release test for the IPP prisoners under Section 128 of the LASPO Act, for an effective system in place that works. IPP sentences to be converted into extended sentences, as changing the release test will not necessarily get rid of the "99-year-licence" problem.
The Lord Chief Justice agrees!! The answer could be to having our loved ones released. Is to push home the arguments. "Lex posterior derogat priori"..... Meaning a later repeals an earlier one in a similar method to the effect of an Appeal or Supreme Court automatic overules previous law on the subject.. maxim.......
I hope soon to talk to you in person with my concerns on a date convenient to you. I really care about this issue because ADD PERSONAL STORY HERE or add the line this issue has deeply affected my family.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon
A Template For those who “have lobbied and want there MPs to debate the IPP at the queens speech
House of Commons
Dear .........................................MP 
May I ask if you will be attending the queens speech on Thursday as one of your constituents effected by the IPP i like for you to debate the ipp on the following questions to find a Solution and give the sentence an end date.
Secretary of State for Justice to exercise their power to change the release test for the IPP prisoners under Section 128 of the LASPO Act, for an effective system in place that works. IPP sentences to be converted into extended sentences, as changing the release test will not necessarily get rid of the "99-year-licence" problem. The Lord Chief Justice agrees!! The answer could be to having our loved ones released. Is to push home the arguments. "Lex posterior derogat priori"..... Meaning a later repeals an earlier one in a similar method to the effect of an Appeal or Supreme Court automatic overules previous law on the subject.. maxim....... Further if he/ she was attending the queens speech and if so would they SPEAK ON THE IPP in the debate ( the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday). as you know that each House continues the debate over the planned legislative programme for several days, looking at different subject areas. 
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon
Yours sincerely,




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