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Thursday, 10 May 2018

Effected by the govermenrts failers in the justice system tired and angary at the lack of responce and side steping Minister deflections we shouldn't have to worry about an uncertain future so lets fight for a better one for IPP prisoners .Lets fight for fairness lets fight for justice lets fight for those who cant !!!! This will be the last post until the March I look forward to meeting you all. One IPP said as you may know this sentence is a sentence that just keeps on persecuting, it potentially never stops. The frustrating thing for the many affected by the sentence is its complexities and the general public’s inability to understand it. The Warboys case is a classic, the misreporting by news journalists who seem to believe that he had served half his sentence and was therefore eligible for release.

·        Remove the life licence, it’s unfair considering there already over tariff.

·       End the Constant recall for non-offences which leads to self-harm and continued mental torture. 

·        Safeguard and promote the rights of people with learning differences supported with intermediates for a fairly system and end longer sentences for those who have diffrences who are seen as a risk related to their disability’s. Enforced a standard of reasonable adjustments for all prisoners. 

Wednesday 23 May 2018.

Demonstrating outside Parliament Time: 11:30, 2pm then
from 2pm we March a short distance to the Ministry of Justice, Ending 3-30pm.
IPP prisoners, family, friends and supporters. *Champion campaigners for all prisoners’ rights *Activists for human rights of all prisoners *Societies for the rights of equality for those with disabilities / mental health or diversity need.

Why we are protesting?
The situation is unsatisfactory for our IPP prisoners, and for other non-IPP prisoners likewise trapped by perceived risk as well as those with  learning challenges disability or mental health issues.
We face injustice: Our voices will be heard in the UK for IPP prisoners and determinate sentence prisoners. We will be united, chanting. We are protesting s one family; we are protesting for those who cannot do so themselves.

We protest and will keep protesting because we believe in liberty, and justice for all. We will no longer be quiet. We have been tolerant for too long.
We are tired and angry at the governmental lack of response and of Justice Ministers who constantly deflect and side-step the issues. We are irritated at the government’s preoccupation with words and lack of swift action resulting in continued suicides and deaths of our loved ones.

Why are IPP prisoners’ families marching with all prisoners?
We have all been affected by failures in the justice system in one way or another, and by the lack of response from prisons to resolve issues within the prison system or individual prisons.
We are disillusioned. We need fairness, we need a voice and we are going to be heard. We are stronger together.

How many more need to die before we wake up and realise?
We are no longer going to feel intimidated or victimised, we need to see a future. Ministers are responsible for the function and resources of the prisons but have only left them resourced and not fit for purpose. All prisoners have been affected in one way or the other. There is a lot of preoccupation with risk, but we need more support for prisoners in community settings.
We need to stop the recall for non-offences. We need more prison officers and more facilities available in the community. We are now in 2018. IPP prisoners who have been given a date for release are sometimes still in prison a year later due to a lack of hostels.

 Particularly at risk: 
some prisoners are in  need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability/mental health, or risk of abuse or neglect/over tariff:

 Keep up the fight.
You are the voice for every serving IPP prisoner. They are counting on you to fight their fight Because of age, disability/mental health.:

 Parliament  London SW1A 0PW United Kingdom


Posters and leaflets are Printable  Be free to copy and past. For those not familiar with copy and paste.

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