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Tuesday, 6 March 2018

IPP Prisoners March 23 MAY 2018. Unfair IPP Senence (see the relentlessly unfair incarceration under the IPPand a probation service that has ceased to function in the face of a misconceived privatisation with its constant recall for non offences. Seeking justice is only for the rich ! government cock up results in "no public confidence says the GUARDIAN.

IPP Prisoners Protest and March.  Release all serving IPP, post tariff.

IPP Prisoners, and an all Prisoners United Protest / March.
Date: Wednesday 23 May 2018 

Demonstrating outside Parliament Time:11:30 2pm then
From 2pm we March a short distance to the Ministry of Justice, Ending at 3-30pm.

*IPP prisoners, family, friends and supporters.
*Champion campaigners for all prisoners’ rights
*Activists for human rights of all prisoners
*Societies for the rights of equality for those with disabilities / mental health or diversity needs

What can we do?
Be there for your family member, be visible, wear printed T shirts, printed or painted banners, bring loudspeakers, flyers......

Why we are protesting?
The situation is unsatisfactory for our IPP prisoners, and for other non-IPP prisoners likewise trapped by perceived risk because they have a disorder or intellectual disability or mental health issues.
We face injustice: Our voices will be heard in the UK for IPP prisoners and determinate sentence prisoners. We will be united, chanting. We are protesting as one family; we are protesting for those who cannot do so themselves. We protest and will keep protesting because we believe in liberty, and justice for all. We will no longer be quiet. We have been tolerant for too long.

We are tired and angry at the governmental lack of response and of Justice Ministers who constantly deflect and side-step the issues. We are irritated at the government’s preoccupation with words and lack of swift action resulting in continued suicides and deaths of our loved ones.
Why are IPP prisoners’ families marching with all prisoners?
We have all been affected by failures in the justice system in one way or another, and by the lack of response from prisons to resolve issues within the prison system or individual prisons.
We are disillusioned.

We need fairness, we need a voice and we are going to be heard. We are stronger together. How many more need to die before we wake up and realise? We are no longer going to feel intimidated or victimised, we need to see a future.
Ministers are responsible for the function and resources of the prisons but have only left them unresourced and not fit for purpose. All prisoners have been affected in one way or the other.
There is a lot of preoccupation with risk, but we need more support for prisoners in community settings. We need to stop the recall for non-offences. We need more prison officers and more facilities available in the community.

 We are now in 2018. IPP prisoners who have been given a date for release are sometimes still in prison a year later due to a lack of hostels.

The vulnerable are particularly at risk: these are people in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability/mental health, or risk of abuse or neglect/over tariff:
• Keep up the fight. You are the voice for every serving IPP prisoner. They are counting on you to fight their fight.


IPP prisoners not even mentioned in the new plan.
The Minister seems to be side stepping the IPP prisoners but why?


Dear Ms Gleeson,
Thank you for writing to me as you have and for its informative and constructive contents. I share your concerns about  and endorse the importance of both access to courses and training and to legal aid for this venerable group of prisoners. I am unable however to commit to meet as the focus of my activity at this time is on Africa conflict resolution and international development and I travel extensively. I am happy however for you to indicate to Lord Ramsbotham  my willingness to assist in supporting any initiative he may choose to take on your behalf in this area. On a personal note may I wish you well personally. It is not easy anyone serving any sentence and it must be that much more difficult when it is one of this nature. You have my profound respect for your work on the behalf of all those in this position.
Warmest Regards,
The Rt Hon The Lord Boateng PC DL


  I will stand by it till I die.. you cannot keep someone for preventative measures... on a sentence that no longer exists.. to be rehabilitated without providing the means! Let alone the proof it makes any difference! It just screams unlawful!

7 years of conservative government and not one thing has not been wrecked.
Everything they touch turns to shit .There's no way on earth anyone can make a bigger mess than this .

Lack of family ties
Family ties are vital in whether a prisoner succeeds or fails in leading a law-abiding life on release. So, why does the Prison Service/HMPPS move so many of us many miles away from our families and friends, thus destroying our family ties. In my case, as one example of which there are thousands, as soon as I was sentenced I was moved to HMP Wayland, over 3-hours travel from my home in Margate. Instead of to my local category C in Rochester. Why?
How can they help us maintain family ties when they move so many of us far from home? Surely that’s not ‘putting the protection of the public first’, it’s more about ‘shove them into any space we have left’? After my move, my relationship ceased, and I didn’t see my kids for 2-years, so, I’m high-risk of reoffending as I am now homeless.
The prison system is just a huge expensive institution that does little to rehabilitate and even less to encourage family ties.

Juries on trial
There should be no doubt that the recent highly publicised examples of failures of disclosure are a snap shot of sample of cases that sit on top of a ticking "timebomb that is likely to significantly undermine public confidence in our precious justice system. It is said that justice is the ‘first virtue of a decent and harmonious society’.
Although these, and many other examples of injustice, point towards an urgent need to reform the whole justice system, including parole, it is the current jury system that requires the boldest restructuring as it is the principal filter in ensuring that a sound and balanced verdict is reached.
The current jury system is out of date, unreliable and not fit for purpose. It needs to be radically restructured to incorporate modern and more technical advances


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