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Thursday, 1 September 2016

IPP. Prisons don't resolve problems - leading criminologist professor and author David Wilson and Ex prison Governor.Prison disallowing accommodations amounts to discrimination.

He explains why our prisons are seen to be in a constant crisis, with the general public not being really aware of what goes on behind the solid walls. Plus, it's all in the numbers: we have more prisoners serving life sentences as the whole of the Western Europe combined! The Public was far more connect not now. Government exclude the public to what is going on which is dichromatic. Prison run for profit though they are in crises and unable to cope profit is why they keep them there. There has been more people in prison since they have  privatized. Prison and profit do not work together. staff lack in training.....

Prison Disallowing accommodations for those with neurological disabilities amounts to discrimination.

The prison and probation have a duty to make reasonable adjustments. Those who have visual problems including dyslexia dyspraxia and other need to use a computer to communicate with there legal reps and family . With regards to probation who often place a ban on   using a computers when on release are discriminating under the act.If we were to define Dyslexia often overlapped with Dyspraxia, ADHD and Asperger.

Founder, katherine Gleeson, Dyslexia group increase awareness and understanding

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