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Tuesday, 29 March 2016


The in-depth film to be aired on Inside Out London  looking into the pending problem of IPP sentences.
I am working on a BBC 1 current affairs documentary about the legal system and the prisons' conditions in England, following the budget cuts.

The in-depth film to be aired on Inside Out London is also looking into the pending problem of IPP sentences. 

I have come across your petition and protest to take place in May, so I was hoping we could have a chat, should you be interested in our film.

Feel free to reach me anytime on my email - or on my mobile - 07454 769 094.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kindest regards,


Jez Owen I have had a good chat with this lady regarding her bbc documentary. I would encourage any former prisoner, especially those on IPP to call her and have a chat. She has questions which only someone who has been behind a door can answer. You can remain anonymous if you wish. Your suffering especially if your on IPP need's to be made puplic. Your a human being and you should not be persecuted in this way. Don't be afraid to have your say. Not just to help yourself but to help those still suffering behind a door with 99years still against their prison number.

IPP Protest and Lobby - in Central Lobby-parliament 11am to 2pm then We March a short distance to the Ministry of Justice Ending at 3pm.

Are children allowed ?

Children are allowed. if you get there for the beginning the speaker always says hello to the children.

It is your right to ask your MP to lobby for your Son Daughter other parliament! Invite your MP to meet with you on the day of the Demonstration /March for the reason the result of difficulties faced with this IPP sentence. If your Mp can not come this day, you can still ask him to lobby for you.
Templates letters  right at the  bottom of page!

Coverage and Attendees:

*There is usually a TV crew there everyday so could help get coverage of your fight
* Inside Times News paper will be attending covering the IPP Lobby.
* BBC will be there reason for a documentary

  Mp,s, Not all have bee highlighted :
* Gavin Shuker Labour and Cooperative MP for Luton South.
* David Evennett Conservative MP, Bexleyheath and Crayford .
* David Ramsbotham 
They will table a topical question for that date, and hopes that it is the one selected.

25th MAY MPs have go into the chamber to vote on urgent matters 650 (all of them) as Prime Ministers Ques. The house sits at 11.30 and parliament question time is at 12.30 .

We Lobby from
1) 11.30 to 1pm
2) Toilet & coffee break
l3) Leaving AT 2PM from parliament to March to the Ministry of justice ending at 3pm onward the Ministry of justice.........

Be visible wear LORDS costume ,T shirts, print on them bring Banners. Flyers add IPP links that the public can read about the IPP in there own time.


We are asking for both
1) IPP sentences to be converted into extended sentences, as I don't think that changing the release test will necessarily get rid of the "99-year-licence" problem. The Lord Chief Justice agrees!!

2) We are hereby requesting the Secretary of State for Justice to exercise their power to change the release test for the ipp prisoners .

The Criminal Justice Act (CJA) 2003 introduced the sentence of Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP). Under the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders (LASPO) Act 2012 the IPP was abolished. The government confirmed the situation as unsatisfactory and more recently Mr.

David Blunkett stated that the Labour Government “got the implementation wrong”. However, to date nothing has been implemented for those prisoners who are already serving this sentence.

If changes are not made it will take 8 years to clear the backlog of those already beyond their minimum term.


An effective system in place that works.
We are hereby requesting that the Secretary of State for Justice to exercise their power to change the release test under Section 128 of the LASPO Act.


Mismanagement of the IPP sentence, prisoners recall, release complications, health and wellbeing ……


99 year sentence as being excessive and unfair, prospects. Recall will come to all if you live with a 99 sentence. Recall is very high .One death is to many but 16 IPP deaths and numbers of hidden suicide attempts and life with depression one should not live with such an unjust sentence.

Be there this day and defend your love one they need you to make this change, speak up tell your MP why you want him to lobby for your Son daughter other, in parliament.
If you have a difference such as dyspraxia Dyslexia ADHD Asperger's other this sentence will have a huge effect on health . If your an IPP on the outside you can help make change and ask your MP to lobby for change. you may have been moved to another town this may have effected family life ? Do you or the rest of your family have a hidden disability this makes communicating just on the phone difficult and has torn the family apart . Maybe Your parents other cant afford to travel. Have you felt left and trapped without your family . You may have a hidden difference and be of race, gender with an IPP therefore collectively feel this sentence gives you know hope. You may feel aggrieved given a 99 sentence and this makes you feel how? effected mentally over with a over tariff Son daughter other . Do you feel he or she is being held not because of the IPP but because of a disability or mental health and that they cant help or change, so you ask yourself how can one go forward. Do you feel discriminated against and feel  your human right have been taken away. These above are just a snap shot.

Life sentence for minor crimes

The IPP was formed in 2003 though not applied until 2005. The early generation' IPPs had a minimum tariff of months, rather than years. Judges did not fully realize the nature of the sentence. Some prisoners received very short tariffs of months whom years later are still struggling with the unjust nature of the IPP sentence. Numbers have finished there sentence and are trapped in the system and others face a further dilemma maintaining their innocence both effectively blocked from progressing towards release by the Parole Board. None of these prisoners serving an IPP sentence has committed murder; these offences today would not attract sentences longer than a few years or less. Prisoners serving time for the same crimes today might serve two years. IPP prisoners are rarely achieve release as it is effectively impossible to 'prove' reduced risk.
The IPP has been one of the biggest messes in British
"you must fight back""

You are there to lobby Mps

 Not allowed : large bags, Load speakers, Shouting.

in the cloakroom facilities at Methodist Central Hall - which is in Storey's Gate SW1, a short walk from Parliament.

*""""""Wear Noticeable printed Costumes bright T-shirts with messages, flyers etc

At Central Lobby, you will Enter Through

what is known as the St Stephens entrance to the Commons. Stewards will be available to help you. Before you queue for the security check, inform a police officer that you have a meeting arranged with your MP and show them any correspondence to this effect if your MP has sent it to you. This should allow you to go straight into the security checking area without queuing with the general public for tours of Parliament. Your MP or their staff will usually come to meet you in Central Lobby. You need to go to the desk in Central Lobby and ask the attendants to telephone your MP\'s office. Remember you will have to go through \'airport type\' security to gain access to Parliament –

on a busy day this can take at least 15 minutes - and you may need to queue until there is space. NB you cannot take large bags into the Palace, and ideally you should take as little as possible in with you as this will speed up the process. We will arrange cloakroom facilities at Methodist Central Hall - which is in Storey\'s Gate SW1, a short walk from Parliament.

What if you don't have an arranged meeting with your MP?

If your MP has agreed to meet you, but not given you any details of where and when, or if you have not already arranged a meeting with your MP, you will need to queue outside St Stephen's entrance. The police will only allow 100 people, including lobbyists and other visitors, into Central Lobby at any one time. Pass through the security check and proceed to Central Lobby in due course.

Once in Central Lobby?

Once in Central Lobby go to the desk and ask for a green card which is a request for your MP to come and meet you. This should be filled in and returned as directed. It is important that on the card you make a clear statement as to your reason for visiting such as 'to discuss THE IPP PARTICULAR ITS IMPACT ON …………………………..

This is very important because, if you do not manage to meet with your MP, the card will then be sent on to him or her. The MP should then respond directly to you in due course - clearly the more he or she knows about why you were at Westminster the better. The desk staff will take the card and officials will be asked to look for your MP and let him or her know that you are asking to meet with them. While you should wait around for a while, do not forget that lobbyists with firm commitments to meet their MP will be waiting to get in

so you should be prepared to give up waiting after 20 minutes or so. Disabled access If you are disabled, telephone the Serjeant-at-Arms\' office at the House of Commons, who will advise you procedures for entering the building (phone 0207 219 1000 and ask the switchboard officer to put you through to the Serjeant\'s office), The Serjeant\'s office do allow some parking where it is required by disabled people, but individuals will need to verify this with the office. It is usual for one of your MPs\' staff to accompany you once you enter the building. You will need to arrange this with your MP in advance. Please notify your union if you have any special ambulatory needs or require any assistance.

Meeting with your MP It is best to be as brief, clear. In particular have in mind what you actually wish your MP to do. If they send their researcher instead, treat them in the same way. There is a model letter you can use to tell your MP that you will be coming to London and ask to meet you. It is also worth giving your MP your mobile number, if you have one. This may help them track you down on the day.

You should thank him or her for taking the time to see you, establish how much time they have, have ready two or three points to make (give them a local dimension where possible) and most importantly ask them to follow up the meeting: * by raising your points with relevant ministers in writing and conversation * signing Early Day Motion MPs can sign to express support for the lobby it reads:

Will you join us?

If you’d like to join us and meet your MP in Westminster, or if you’re interested to hear more, sign up below and we'll keep you in the loop with the latest information.



I have notice numbers
family are signing and relying on the petition please understand despite the protest and petitions this is “not enough! both are  tools to support the impact of mass feeling that people have on the issues of the IPP.

What will change laws “lobbing”!

Consequently unless you want to keeping going round in circles protesting and petitioning each year “we must together family’s brother sister mother dad partners friends supporters lobby there MPs. Send copies for your family members to their MP.

We are going to change the law and YOU are going to do it! You are the only one who can as this want happen itself.

Most lobby’s get chucked for of lack of statistics to support the change of law, subsequently ask yourself is this what you want?


You could begin by online for instance inside times newspaper there are numbers of families there that comment  on the IPP whom are not aware of our campaign you could begin posting the campaign under others comments to reach out to other ipps families additionally tv ,radio and law sites..... if you have an IPP site more posting less talking more action ,ask your members to lobby and post. Just a little hint of what you can be doing to help. The more others to know about your campaign helps you together make an army.

I have enclosed a Model template for lobbing your Mp and a press release that Ann kindly donated for instance you can post to sites or on line to Newspapers.

“”if you sent have asked your MP to lobby and If you have not heard back email him until you do, remember it’s your right to ask him to lobby on issues of his continents .Do remember who you are supporting this day however for any reason you’re not able to attend parliament on the 25th you can still ask your Mp to lobby using the template and tweaking it a little. If for instance you have 6 in your family and they live at separate address each can lobby their own Mp for their area, remember we need numbers.Template letters at the bottom of the page.
Press Release


For Immediate release / release on __________________

Wed. 25th May 2016 11.00 a.m.

I will be lobbing parliament with my MP………………………. The families, friends and supporters of the 4000 to 5000 IPP prisoners still in jail, will be meeting at 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday 25th May 2016 in the Central Lobby of the Palace of Westminster, to lobby MPs to change the law so that IPP prisoners have a definite release date.

The IPP was first used in 2005, designed to protect the public from serious offenders whose crimes did not merit a life sentence. IPP offenders have to serve a minimum term (tariff) which is set by the court, and then they have to appear before a Parole Board to prove that they are no longer dangerous, before they can be released. In theory this should have been a good idea. However, it became clear that there were a number of problems with this sentence (not least the fact that IPP prisoners even when released are on a 99-year licence – a life sentence, in other words), so in December 2012, the government abolished it.

Although no more IPP sentences can be imposed, the government did not make this retrospective, and those lobbying will draw attention to the injustice of those IPP prisoners still in prison. Many are years over their tariff and suffer additional mental health problems because of the stress and uncertainty of their situation. Their families too suffer extra stress, because they can never know exactly when their loved ones will be released, and thus are unable to plan effectively for the future.

Once we have lobbied our MPs, we will march to the Ministry of Justice for 3.00p.m to make similar representations there. For further information, please contact


Don’t forget to include your full address as MPs need to know you are one of their constituents. It may have more impact if you write it by hand


House of Commons

London SW1A 0AA






Dear .........................................MP

As one of your constituents I will be coming to Parliament to Lobby you about the injustice of IPP Sentences. When I hope to talk to you in person and I would be happy to talk to you further about my concerns I wanted to give you some notice and ask that you arrange a time to meet me.

I will be in central lobby between 11.15 and 2pm on the 25 May 2016 and would be pleased to meet you at any time whilst I am there.

I really care about this issue because ADD PERSONAL STORY HERE or add the line this issue has deeply affected my family.

I am looking forward to meeting I await your confirmation.

Yours sincerely,


Then do the following:Before hand to get the most MPS

1. send out all MP letters

2. call all the MPs who have had letter

3. call the local radio stations to tell them and to say if your MP has agreed to meet you.

4. call again - to get them to commit to a time


On the day inportant!
1. Call the MPs to say how much you are looking forward to seeing them and remind them where you are

2. Have a person ready to take photos and tweet all day about who turned up. Find someone good with social media and make it there job to live tweet. you cannot take photos in central lobby so have a plan about where you can take people off to (Westminster Hall would be good and you can take photos there)

3. Have a press release ready for every MP and match it with a picture that you send to the local paper

4. Send the press coverage with a thank you letter to the MPs

""Were did it go wrong: Video

Everyday that passes brings us closer to victory & justice, everyday that passes would be one day less of his sentence, and one day closer to FREEDOM, Prisoners release is unknown, today is closer than yesterday, and tomorrow will be closer still, Our day will come, Release all serving IPP, post tariff never give up hope when hope is all you have never give up giving up when love keeps you going Never give up that one day soon ALL serving IPP prisoners will one day be FREE keep up the fight you are the Voice for every serving IPP prisoner they are counting on you to fight there fight they can take away are Freedom but will never ever silence IPP family's I will endeavour to attend Lords IPP freedom awareness march to justice FREEDOM, Conrad Asquit


Let’s win this!


WEB SITE IPP Prisoners Familys Campaign


FACEBOOK "IPP "Petition.Thank you for your support.





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