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Tuesday, 3 November 2015

How much more do IPP prisoners have to take before they see the only way to bring attention to our plight is to riot, hunger-strike or, even worse, take their own lives because they see no hope.

How much more?

I feel compelled to write this letter as a serving IPP. I read your paper every month and all I read about are IPP prisoners complaining about courses, tariffs, conditions, etc. but nothing ever seems to get done about it. I was given a 4 year tariff in 2005, and to this day I still cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel.
The IPP sentence was abolished in 2012, but still many thousands of us, over tariff, still rot in these unfit jails, whilst the government focuses on covering up historic sex crimes by their peers, or how many migrants they can get away with not taking. They care less about the forgotten prisoners who have served their time and much, much more. How much more do IPP prisoners have to take before they see the only way to bring attention to our plight is to riot, hunger-strike or, even worse, take their own lives because they see no hope.
Surely there must be some way IPP prisoners can challenge this sentence? How much more will we have to take before the government start to listen and help us? It is not only us serving this sentence but our families as well. They say that our prisons are overcrowded, they need to save money and make spaces, well they could start by releasing those who have served the tariff decreed by the courts for their crimes. Somebody should be helping us.


  1. My heart goes out to anyone suffering the injustice of an IPP sentence, the latest post, posted by Katherine Gleeson this morning goes to show how much SUFFERING is being caused. All I can say to that individual is please do not give up home. There are people out here who know your suffering and we are doing everything we can to help you. The longer the government ignore their duty to resolve this injustice, the louder our voices will shout. We will make sure they are held to account. Keep going, stay strong. Your voices are being heard



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