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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Ipp prisoners March on 12th of October !

Jodie Prin,  counting down, 12th of October.

 Please come and join us in our fight for justice for IPP prisoners on 12th of October at 12pm-3pm outside ministry of justice, 102 petty France, London, SW1H9AJ. IPP Prisoners can be held indefinitely in prison and have no release date. The IPP was abolished in 2012 because it was ruled unlawful by the ECHR. However it was never made retrospective which means that aprox 5,000 prisoners remain in prison indefinite...y at the cost of the British tax payer. 
The majority of these prisoners are well over their tariff and technically have served their time. It costs the British tax payer £40,000 per year for each of these prisoners.
 We are asking for everybody who has a family member on this barbaric sentence to come and support, Please come along with your homemade banners with photos and names of your loved ones. We provide leaflets to hand to the general public on the day. We also ensure we are heard by the justice minister inside the building by using a loud speaker. The nearest train station is St James park street station and the exit is on the same road as the MOJ so it's very easy to find.

A job  or distance should  NOT come before your fight !

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