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Thursday, 16 October 2014

IPP, and all prisoners

Should   Chris Grayling step down? Many say he is  on a  destructive path. Many on social net working sites  say  enough is enough what do you think?
Personally I feel I have to go along with them, prisoners can ill afford a book ,  if I can give a book to a prisoner   I know it would  increase creativity and  give some form of education. I don't want a one-way fit all education .

I know  longer want a one-way education or know way.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


          My name is Suzanne Attrill,
    My partner is Paul Masters,  IPP prisoner currently on recall for breach of license. 

    Mr partner was released in June 2013 and recalled in October 2013 for not returning to the hostel.  The only reason he did not return was because his father was ill and then passed away.  Probation and the hostel staff were aware of this.  Mr Masters had a parole hearing on the 29th August 2014 and was told he was not to be released because of his risk.  Prison probation, hampshire probation and the psychologist all recomended his release to the hostel.  He has not committed any offences, his risk is the same as last year.  The parole board decided to refer to psychology report from 2011 and kept referring to his past.  Mr Masters is being kept in custody because of crimes he ‘might’ commit.  My concern is how can someone be released in 2013 with a board satified and be denied in 2014 with no crimes committed and clearly an emotional reason to breach his license.  How is this fair when the risk is the same.  The parole board were only concerned about his past and I feel he is being punished yet again, despite all positive recommendations up to date, Psychological report the parole board looked past that and judged him on his past.  How is this allowed and how can in this day someone be kept in custody for things that ‘could’ happen.  I was on the parole board and found it disgusting that the whole reason for him being back to prison was overlooked.  He was targeted and ridiculd for his past.  He has not re-offended and his risk is the same as his release last year.  The parole board looked for an excuse to keep him in custody and could only do so on his past.

    Please can you help with this blatent unjust in human piece of reasoning.  It is surely in human to keep someone in prison incase they offend when clearly he has not.  I hope to hear from you, thankyou.  I do not know how this could make a difference but am willing to try anything for the right reasons. 

    Suzanne Attrill


Free the Ipp prisoners 38 Degree petition the biggest petition site for people power, and change.

David Blunkett's Criminal Justice Act That allowed prisoners
to be detained indefinitely requiring judges to pass life sentences on
low-level offenders. The first was that offences did not have to be very
serious to trigger an IPP. What Lord Lloyd described as
"run-of-the-mill" crimes such as burglary, robbery or arson.
Offenders would serve the periodthey would be expecting for an offence two or three years on average, but sometimes much less – and then find themselves still in prison with little
prospect of release. If anything, that makes things worse for prisoners still
serving IPPs. If they had been sentenced after December 2012, when the
provisions were repealed, they could look forward to serving their time and
being released. The same would apply if they had been convicted before April
2005, when section 225 of the 2003 Act came into effect.

Blunkett has admitted that his policy caused injustice,we say now write your wrong. It is time Chris grayling stoped being  ignorant and put an end to this injustice and it is  now
time he opens up to humanity.

Thank you for taking the time to sign  38 Degrees people power change the biggest petition site